Monday, September 12, 2011

The Color of Pain

I am a lighting designer. I love doing lighting and playing with all the various colors. Several years ago, I went to a marching band competition and closed my eyes to listen to the music. All of the sudden, I saw the music in color. “I see music in color” because sort of my tagline.

A few months later, I was playing with magnetic poetry and made this little diddy. (see photo)

Lately, I’ve been doing physical therapy on my

knees and my back. Whenever something hurts, Whahnn, my therapist, asks me what it feels like. Sharp, dull, pinching… What I’ve noticed is all I ever think is, “It feels blue.” “It’s purple.”

Apparently I see pain in color too.

Is that weird? Does anyone else associate pain that way?

1 comment:

  1. I think it's something special to see your pain in color. I don't and think it's beautiful that you see music and parts of yourself in color. Praying this finds you well and blessed! Happy New Year!
