I made two really big purchases today.
The first one I made was a camera. I have wanted (and at times, not wanted) a DSLR for a very long time. I love taking pictures, and my point-and-shoot is amazing, but the flexibility of a DSLR is what I wanted. So today I took the plunge. (This has nothing to do with lupus, chronic illness, drugs or anything else that usually appears on my blog.)
The second thing I bought
was what I’m affectionately calling my Fourbanger. It makes me laugh just thinking about it. Today, I purchased a pill box with FOUR (count ‘em!) slots for each day. I finally did it. (Another thing I’ve been thinking about for months.)
I got sick when I was 19. A few months after I turned 20, I bought my first pill box. I was going on tour and taking 10 or so pills a day. (Maybe more, I can’t remember, but it was a lot at the time.) You see, I was recently diagnosed and heading out on tour. It knew it would be a pain having all those bottles in my bag, so I got a box in order to leave my bottles in the bus with my extra stuff and reduce clutter. Also, I was new at this and a pill box is way more inconspicuous than a bunch of bottles.
Now, I’m taking close to 40 pills per day, and they just don’t all fit into my regular 2x pill box. Some of the pills are large, and there’s just a lot of them. Plus, with so many, oftentimes in the mornings, I get overwhelmed and do
n’t want to take any of them. I really like only taking my pills twice a day, but having them spread out a bit might help. For instance, I can take some of them first thing, then take the rest of my morning ones after breakfast. Or after my morning nap. Or whatever.

On Sara’s blog a few weeks ago, she had a poll about how many pills you take. My favorite answer was “you can fill 3/4 cup.” I think that’s me. In fact, I’d love to weigh my pill box sometime just to see how many ounces (pounds) of meds and supplements I take each day.
Thanks for celebrating with me on my two big purchases!
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