Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Two Years
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Decembers lately have had a patterns for me. And I’m not sure it’s one that I like.
In December 2007, my uncle got really sick. Shortly after the new year, we found out it was colon cancer, with a tumor roughly the size of a softball. Three feet of intestine later, he is cancer-free. But Christmas Eves will always come with memories of seeing him pass out from pain.
The following year, a man from our church was diagnosed with brain cancer. He’d had tumors two decades before, but they were back with a vengeance. The likelihood of him being around for the following Christmas was slim. He beat the odds, but in the spring of 2009, he went Home, leaving behind his wife and four sons and one granddaughter.
That same year, in 2008, I was diagnosed with lupus. I found out about this man’s cancer about a week before I found out what was going on in my body, and I am ever thankful to God for framing my illness with his. It was a great reminder that though my life will be forever changed, it won’t be shortened by any great amount. Still, that Christmas was surrounded by doctor’s appointments and blood draws.
This year, I was talking with my uncle, the one mentioned above, just a few days before Christmas. He told me that he had just received some news about another friend of ours. He and his wife have been on our teams forever. He and my uncle, with a handful of other guys, play disc golf almost every week. Apparently, for the last year or so, this guy has been experiencing weakness in his hands and stuff. Last week, it was named: ALS. Wow.
I don’t know why this is weighing on my so much. Whether is several Decembers of diagnoses or the thought that another dear member of my extended family is facing pain, illness, and impending death. Or maybe it’s the thought of this vibrant, energetic man laying in a bed, unable to move and fully aware of what’s going on, while his wife of who knows how many years sits beside him.
Two things give me hope in this. First, he is going on some experimental drug that should slow the progression of the disease. He’ll have more time with his kids and grandkids and wife. Second, and way more important, that he knows Christ. He’ll have a new body in heaven, where he will be reunited with all those he loves and love him.
But for now, I will keep praying.
Monday, December 27, 2010
My dear friend lives in Louisville, Kentucky. But it’s not pronounced “Louisville.” It’s more like “loo-a-vul” or “loo-vul.” There are other Louisvilles, though. Colorado, Indiana, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, New York, Nebraska, Illinois, Alabama, Kansas, Maryland, Quebec (Canada), and Belize (South America) all have their own Louisvilles. Some of them are pronounced as spelled, and others are more like “Louie-ville.” That’s where I live, I think.
Lately, the Louie part of my life has been much more noticeable.
The pain isn’t too bad. Some in my fingers and toes; small joints. Nothing I can’t deal with. But the fatigue is killing me!
A few nights ago, I collapsed into bed at 7, after doing my best to stay awake since 5. In the evening! Last night, I fell asleep at 5, slept through my alarm and woke up at 9 to a message on my phone. I did my best to be awake, and stayed that way for an entire hour, then slept for another 12. That’s 17 hours!
In the last few weeks, I’ve slept through my alarm more times than I can count. I can barely stay awake for anything. I’ve canceled big plans due to exhaustion.
Extreme fatigue is what took me into the doctor in the first place. Two plus years later, it hasn’t gotten any better. How is one supposed to do life? How is one supposed to live like this?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Bear Snores On
I flew across the country this week to visit some friends who moved away a few months ago. Tonight, Amy was reading books to her two year old before bed. One of the chosen books was called Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman. It was a pretty good book that I had never heard before, so I was listening and trying not to fall asleep.
The book starts out with the bear sleeping in the winter. He’s been sleeping for a long time. Then, the mouse comes into the cave and lights a fire. The bear keeps snoring. A hare joins the mouse and sleeping bear, more animals come in and they make food and eat and are noisy, but the bear continues to sleep. They make a stew and have a little party. The pepper from the stew floats around and causes the bear to wake up. We wakes up with a big sneeze.
The bear wakes up and sees that all his friends are having a party and lots of fun and he didn’t get to have fun.
Sometimes I feel like the bear. I miss out on a lot of stuff and fun because I’m sleeping. But at the same time, the bear has to sleep in order to function the rest of the time. I’m the same way. Sleeping is not an option. I have to do it to take care of me and function less like a bear, and in doing so, sometimes I miss out on things.
So, to all of you out there partying and enjoying your parties, I’m going to snore on.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Eyebrow Shaving
I’m listening to a book by Josh Sundquist called Just Don’t Fall. It’s about how he “overcame illness and … The book tells the story from his point of view, as a nine-year-old diagnosed with cancer, and follows him through the journey of leg amputation and becoming a professional athlete. I’m only 1/3 of the way in, but I’m thoroughly enjoying it. Josh tells it well, through the eyes of a child. Everything he didn’t and did understand about being sick and doctors and cancer and life.
He finds out he has to undergo chemo and it will cause his hair to fall out and asks his mom to shave it for him. His little brother, who is seven at the time, says he doesn’t want Josh to feel bad, so he asks his mom to shave his head too. Then, inspired, eighteen of their friends from the homeschool group and church ask to have their heads shaved. So, Josh and nineteen friends had their heads shaved. Imagine a bunch of 7-10 year olds, bald in solidarity.
Josh was impressed that his friends would do that for him and especially noted the love he had for his little brother. “That night, I loved Matthew more than I ever had in my entire life.” Something like that.
A few days later, it was time to go to church. What was left of Josh’s hair had fallen out and it was his first outing in quite some time that didn’t involve needles. Before leaving for church, Josh’s mother took him into the bathroom to use makeup and draw on eyebrows. It turned out to be a mistake, Josh’s eyebrows looked horrible, and all of the sudden, he noticed eyebrows.
He walked into his Sunday School class and saw his friends. “Several of them are the home school boys who shaved their heads for me. But I noticed today that no one shaved their eyebrows for me.” While he obviously appreciated the gesture of all of them voluntarily shaving their heads, he all the sudden realized there was something no one else would understand… except maybe other cancer patients.
This struck me.
There are a lot of people who love me, and I know that. Lots of them do great things for me and are very supportive. Still, none of them will ever really know what it’s like for me and Louie. Despite all their efforts, there is no way for them to shave their eyebrows. There will always be a piece of my life, my struggle, my disease, that no one can understand.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Yesterday I realized I am completely dependent on drugs. Prescription ones, and not in the usual sense.
I take a medication to keep me awake. It’s a stimulant that affects my central nervous system, or something like that, to keep me from falling asleep. It is generally only for people with narcolepsy or severe sleep disorders. Last week, as normal, I refilled my prescriptions online so I could pick them up and fill my pill box. This particular one didn’t get filled because it needed to be approved by my doctor.
I had Saturday off, as in, I was in my jammies all day, and most of Sunday too, so I wasn’t that tired. But on Monday at work, I was really tired. I honestly thought I might fall asleep in the orchard, right around two in the afternoon.
That’s when it hit me.
I am dependent. I require drugs to live my life. Not to live on a rollercoaster of highs and lows and narcotics to numb the pain. My body doesn’t go through withdrawals (although some say this drug can be addictive) and I don’t feel this overwhelming urge to take them. No, I take drugs so I can live. So I can stay awake all day, or at least for more than seven consecutive hours. So I can have a “regular” job, or as regular as I ever will.
So here I am, dependent on chemicals for better living. But also dependent on Christ for everything else- especially on the days I don’t want to have to be on drugs.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Out of Words
I read this blog. The woman who writes it has had lupus for over a decade and is pregnant with her second child. I love her perspective on things because, unlike many other lupus blogs, it’s real. Some people write about all their “cures” and others just whine the whole time. She sees things how they are- yes, she’s on lots of meds and is honest about the fact that there’s no cure right now, yet hopeful that there might be someday.
Anyway, she wrote this one a few days ago. I feel like it so often! At the end of my work day, when I walk in the door, I am out of words. Few emails get returned, almost no phone calls get made. The amount of energy it takes me (even when not in a flare) to do my job, answer questions, and do silly things like go to the bank or post office is amazing. At the end of the day, I’m out of words and I just want to turn off.
This is one of those priority things. I have to decide what’s most important to spend my energy on. Right now, I need it for my job. In six weeks, I won’t have a job anymore, so hopefully I can make different decisions. My boss is pretty understanding, but we’re at a point in time that I need to work as much as I can and not take too many days off.
There are so many times I’m with people just trying to stay awake. Contributing isn’t even something I can think about beyond nodding occasionally. If I keep my eyes open and mostly upright in the char, I have succeeded. I can’t even count the times I spent an evening with friends and left thinking, “I have no idea what we talked about.” I hate it, but I don’t know what to do.
Between work and having family in town, I haven’t had a day to be “off” in weeks. I can feel it. I’m toast. This weekend, I’m making it a priority. No people (when I can help it,) no plans, no showering (if I can get away from it.)
Hopefully after a few days off I’ll replenish my word count.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
This week, I saw a doctor who I had seen regularly for a few years, but now have not seen for nearly two years. Thus, I have not seen her since my diagnosis. She comes into the room and says, “So, you’re on a lot of new medications. What’s going on?”
At one point since being diagnosed, I was taking something like 22 pills a day. Not including random ibuprophen or Excedrin. All in all, I am very aware of the vast amount of chemicals I put into my body each day.
Last month, I started on a new drug, Provigil. It is used to promote “wakefulness,” but is very hard to get a prescription for because so many people abuse it. Pretty much, you have to be narcoleptic or have sleep apnea to get it.
For the first few days, I could very clearly feel it pumping through my system. The first morning I was on it, I nearly got in two car accidents! My head was mighty cloudy and I was feeling shaky. After a week or two, I didn’t notice it as much. (I also didn’t notice it making any difference in my wakefulness.)
A few days ago, I wasn’t feeling well. I felt like chemicals were pulsing through my veins again, even though there was no change in my meds. It’s an odd feeling because you kind of feel sick, but there’s nothing you can do about it. I sort of felt like I was in a chemical-induced stupor and just trying to make it through the day.
This begs the question: at what point is the cure worse than the symptom?
Monday, July 26, 2010
Full Steam Ahead
The thought of having that many activities, let alone the amount of energy expelled in each of those was mind-numbing. I can’t even really remember how I used to fill days before naps and movies. These days, I try not to work more than 6 hours, then take a nap, and if I’m lucky, I have no evening plans. Sometimes I got to church or have dinner with friends, but even still, I’m wiped.
Two years into this thing, and I’m still not quite sure how to do it.
It’s still hard for me to turn down offers and activities based on what I think my body will be able to handle. Sometimes I have an emotion slightly less than resentment for people who can work AND work out on the same day. It’s not their fault they’re healthy, just as it’s not my fault I’m not. That doesn’t make it any easier, though. It’s still hard for me to explain to my friends and family why I’m not chatty or running around or cognizant. There is no way for them to fully understand unless they’ve been in a position where they are at the mercy of their body. (Besides scheduling life around my pain and energy levels, there’s a million doctor’s appointments to juggle!)
For the last several weeks, Louis has been going nuts. Wreaking havoc on whatever he feels like. My stomach, my eyes, my neck and head, my hands. He’s been busy. Last night, I couldn’t fall asleep because my hands were so swollen, and when I went to work today, I was just hoping I didn’t have to do something that required folding them into fists, since it’s not possible at the moment.
Yesterday, I was hanging out with my friend who is pregnant, and she wasn’t feeling well so we left early. I didn’t mind leaving early, and I wasn’t feeling too hot either, but honestly, I was a little happy that someone felt worse than me. I’m not at all suggesting I’m glad she feels like crap, but it was nice that someone else’s body was calling the shots.
Today I went to the doctor, and he said, “Holy cow! Your neck is super inflamed. No wonder you’re in so much pain and feel so bad.” Has anyone ever heard of neck inflammation?
If this doesn’t get better, I’m getting out the prednisone and peanut butter.
Monday, July 12, 2010
I’m “at that age,” as people say. The age where I am constantly going to weddings and baby showers. Recently, I was talking to a friend of mine who is pregnant and hasn’t been sleeping well. “Do you ever feel like you can’t catch up? Like you could sleep for days and lay on the couch and never feel better?” I stared at her, not knowing what to say. “Of course you do. Well, that’s how I feel right now. Never 100%.” Something like that. She continued.
Afterwards, I was thinking about it. I don’t know that I’ll ever feel fully 100% again. What does that mean? Do I have to do like in The Devil Wears Prada? “0 is the new 4, so 6 is the new 14.” Make it so my 60% is the new 100% for me? Is that fair? I was also thinking about the last several days I’ve had where I just can’t seem to feel better, no matter what I do or eat or work out or sleep or anything. (Since I don’t feel better regardless, I’m staying up late watching shows and eating crap. Remind me this is a bad idea.)
Sidenote: Last week, I was talking with my boss of 8 years about it. He was asking what I can and can’t handle at work with Louie. There was a part of me that left wanting to cry- I hate having to have that conversation and know what I “used to” be able to do is so far out of reach now. End sidenote.
All of this reminded me of a conversation I had over Christmas with a long-time friend of mine. She was asking me about Louie. Since we’ve pretty much been on opposite sides of the country since my diagnosis, it was her first time to really see me and ask questions. We talked about all sorts of other things as well, but I really only remember this part of our conversation. She asked the normal questions about how I’m feeling and what I can do to control it and all that. I told her how rare it is for me to have a day where I feel somewhat good and normal. Then she said it. “I hate even being sick for 3 or 4 days. Let alone… [she paused as she thought about her words, but I knew exactly what she was going to say.] …being sick forever.
Sick forever. That’s it. That’s me. That’s the sum of it. Unless God intervenes in a big way, or there are some huge breakthroughs in science, or I can get an immune-system transplant, I will be sick forever. Each day.
I generally like to offer hope or show my faith in God at the end of my posts, but tonight I just want to leave it at that. I know God is big and He’s looking out for me, but tonight I hurt, and I’m tired, and I’m not sure what tomorrow will look like with Louie. Tomorrow, when I wake up, I will have Louie to contend with, but I will have Christ to walk with.
[Sidenote on science- as awesome as it would be for the researchers to find a drug that drastically helped lupus and related illnesses, most of them don’t kill people. Personally, I’m glad there is more funding going to breast and pancreatic cancer and other diseases that regularly take lives. I also know that there are hundreds and thousands of people living with lupus who have it harder than I can even imagine. But still, it’s not ending their lives any time soon.]
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Today, I’d like to share what I learned from Brian.
No, don’t worry, Brian is not another name for some random symptom or disease, he is a man that I met today. Actually, I met him once several years ago as I interacted with him at the recycling center. He was there again today. The question begs asking- how do I remember someone at the recycling center I met years ago and recognize that he’s the same guy from today?
Well, Brian is deaf. I’d venture to guess he’s the only deaf worker there who works with aluminum cans. Anyway, I was reminded by Brian today of a great lesson I’ve learned about people and especially about people with illnesses or disabilities.
Today I took in my cans. [Sidenote: I’m collecting pop cans to raise money to send kids in Africa to school. If you live in the area, would you mind saving some for me? I’ll pick them up if you let me know when.] I took in my 95 pounds of cans (can I get a WOW!) to get money for them to send to Uganda. Brian was there and helped me get them all weighed and whatnot. He went back to finish paperwork and give me what I needed to get paid, and as he handed me the slip, I thanked him in sign language. (One of my 3 words!) He smiled, and we said our goodbyes.
I went to the office to collect my earnings and went back to my car. Brian was standing by the entrance to the can place, sweeping, and he asked if everything went okay. I gave him an enthusiastic thumbs up. Then, he told me “thank you” in sign language and pointed to me, then said it again.
It made me wonder how many people come in and think he’s stupid or retarded or something. How many people don’t treat him like a person?
In the midst of my busy day and long to-do list, God gave me a clear reminder of what we’re here to do. Love people. In whatever capacity we can. Maybe it’s an extra pause when talking to someone; or a genuine thank you; or just acknowledging that they are people too. God meets us where we’re at and loves us as we are. He loves Brian, even though Brian can’t sing the best worship songs, or hear them for that matter, or do all of the things the rest of us can.
Personally, I’m thrilled that God isn’t concerned with the physical state of our bodies or that that qualifies us for service. So many of us would be screwed. I’m thankful that God put Brian in my life today. And I’m thankful that for all the things I have to put up with in regards to my body, I can hear the birds chirp, or the tractor run, or the oven timer beep. Somedays, it’s the little things.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
The Naptime Conundrum
Naptime. A time of day often coveted by parents of young children and dreaded by the children themselves. What other time of the day do you have no one pulling at your legs, asking question after question, or coloring on the carpet? In fact, as I write this, I am babysitting a little one who is napping. Peace.
Such is not the case in the life of this woman with lupus. For me, naps are a necessity, not a luxury. Louie has made it clear that if he gets twelve hours per day to sleep, I can have the other twelve to do with whatever I’d like. If he doesn’t get what he wants, it gets bad in a hurry.
Most mornings, I run through my plan for the day and portion out my time. It will take me so long to get to work, and then I’ll be there until whenever, and drive home. Will I have time for a nap before I have to start my evening plans? (I only have set plans one evening a week, mind you.) Will I need to get off work early in order to nap? What if I didn’t nap? I could just go to bed at 7…
Daily, I have to decide what’s important to keep and what can go. The amount of people I can see in a week and invest in well has gone down quite a bit. Many times, I miss it more than I can explain. The things I love most are now given fewer hours, as Louie is more demanding than ever. I got a real good look at what my actual priorities are when I had to start cutting from the bottom and work my way up. There were some sucky decisions to be made.
In order to function sort of as a grown-up, I have to have income. Therefore, I can’t not work. But I can work less. Coffee with people all week has all but stopped- partially because of the time, and partially because of my reduced income. There are about half-a-dozen people I make it a priority to see, but anyone after that is just bonus. It’s rare now that I do lighting at church, which I love, but instead I am training new young pups to do my job.
Possibly the hardest thing has been to have less time and less energy to spend with my beloved high school students. I still give what I can, and often walk away spent. There’s nothing I wouldn’t give for them. My weeks are planned around making sure my Wednesday is set up for success- success in rationing my energy to have my best to give to them.
Over and over I have watched God give me exactly what I need right when I need it. It is true that He supplies our every need- even if it’s 14 hours to sleep, or to make it through the day without a nap. For that, I will rejoice… when I wake up.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Grace for Us
Over the last few months, I have been reading and thinking a lot about grace. Unfortunately, those of us in the Church are often the least able to extend it, and I have watched a dear friend of mine be the recipient of such ungrace. Thus, the search in my life.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Nothing's Gonna Hold Me Back
Often in my writing, I use songs as jumping-off-points for my musings. Oftentimes, they are worship songs that I hear at church or on the radio.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
What We Lose
A common topic in writings such as these is the amount of things we lose when we get sick. Some people lose the ability to walk, others end up losing their careers, and still others the ability to do what they love- be it working out, doing intricate work with swollen hands or staying awake all day. Yes, we’ve all lost something due to illness.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
What is Unseen
In my Bible, I have several passages next to which are marked “Louie.” These are pieces of scripture that directly pertain to illness in some way. One of which I was recently reminded of. It is found in 2 Corinthians, where Paul is writing to the Church in Corinth and reminding them of what they have learned, who God is, and encouraging them to keep going. The end of chapter 4 and the beginning of chapter 5 is where I have underlined.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Four Hours
A year into this journey, a year from the date I count my medical life “changed,” a year since someone put a name on it, I still go back and forth.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Still Me, Plus Lupus
Why the title?
I’ve been debating for months whether or not I wanted to start my own blog. As an avid blog reader, I’ve gone back and forth on whether or not I wanted to put my heart on cyber paper and publish it. Finally, I decided to go for it. Part of my decision came from the knowledge that writing helps me process so much better, and the other part is from knowing how much reading others’ blogs have helped me. Hopefully, this will be a little of both.